Weekly HUSD COVID Update 11/18/20:
Most up to date San Bernardino County COVID data is as follows:
Adjusted new cases per 100,000 residents:
Overall testing positivity:
HPI testing positivity aka "Health Equity Metric":
12.62% *
*Note: Most recent data as of 11/9/20
Source: San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Current San Bernardino County tier assignment:
27.0 adjusted new cases per 100,000**
10.5% Overall positivity**
9.3% Health equity metric positivity**
Tier = Purple
**Note: 7-day average of the week ending on 11/10/20.
Source: Ca Safer Economy
Needed for next tier (Red) assignment:
2 consecutive week averages of 7 or fewer adjusted new San Bernardino County cases per 100,000 residents, 8% or lower overall positivity rate AND 8% or lower Ca Health Equity Metric positivity. Source: Ca Safer Economy
Free COVID Testing:
Community COVID-19 testing sites are being held throughout San Bernardino County. Samples will be collected using a swab in the nostril or in the mouth. These samples are then sent to a lab to test for the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS‑CoV‑2 virus). There are 3 commonly used testing options:
Option #1: San Bernardino County Public Health Testing Facilities:
Click the link to make a free testing appointment: https://sb.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment/screen/landing
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
Walk-ins are also welcome!
You do NOT need to have symptoms to test!
You get texted/emailed the results in under 48 hours!
Nearby locations: (Note: Click Here for exhaustive San Bernardino County list)
Percy Bakker Center
9333 E Ave., Hesperia
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Victor Valley College
71 Mojave Fish Hatchery Rd., Victorville
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Every Saturday through November 21 from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Option #2: CVS Testing Facilities:
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
No walk-ins!
Generally, you MUST have symptoms to test!
Click the link to schedule a CVS test: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing?icid=cvs-home-hero1-banner2-coronavirus-testing
Option #3: Consult your doctor for other testing options.
Flu Vaccine:
The California Department of Public Health strongly recommends that all students and staff be immunized each autumn against influenza, to help:
Protect the school community
Reduce demands on health care facilities
Decrease illnesses that cannot be readily distinguished from COVID19 and would therefore trigger extensive measures from the school and public health authorities.
Click the link for information on free flu vaccines in San Bernardino County: https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dph/flu/fluclinics/
If you have any other questions please contact your child's school.
Eagle Families....
Due to the increase in COVID cases in the county, the Hesperia Unified School District has elected to postpone reopening schools until January 2021.
We know how excited our students and families were to return. Our staff has been working so incredibly hard preparing for the arrival of our Eagles. However, we will always make the health and safety of all our students, community and staff our top priority.
In the meantime, we will continue to provide the highest level of distance learning education and prepare for students to return to campus.
Hi Parents! Please fill out this registration form as soon as possible so that we can make proper accommodations for our students safe return to school.
Eagles! Prepare to take flight soon.
Please join us at the Mesquite Trails Elementary parking lot on Friday, October 30th between 6-8PM for our Drive Thru Trunk or Treat.
🦅 News: Hi parents and guardians. Our scheduled picture day of October 28th is being postponed until a later date. We will be sending out more information in the future about the rescheduled date. We are striving to make it a safe and convenient process for all our Eagles.
Our Nutrition Services Department still needs your input on meal service.
Please fill out the brief survey here: https://bit.ly/3ko9WRk
Eagles its time to kick off our Kids Are First assembly!! Join us all in watching this video to find out all about our first fundraiser. Plus all the exciting things it offers, and learn about all the exciting prizes you can earn!
More information can be found on our social media sites or on our website. Join the fun and help support Mesquite Trails! 🦅
MT Yearbooks
If you ordered a 2019-2020 Mesquite Trails yearbook, you can come pick yours up tomorrow between 10am-12pm! Drive up to our bus lane and our staff will assist you. 🦅
SOARin' Updates!!!
Yearbooks- They are finally on their way! . We will be distributing them on Friday, September 4th, from 10:00am-12:00pm at the bus lane. This is only if you have already purchased your yearbook. We won't have any extras for sale.
Spirit Day- This friday is Crazy Hair Day! Show off your craziest hairstyles in your Zoom meetings. Also, tag us on Instagram or email us your picture.
Monthly Newsletter- Clink on the link below or head over to our website and get caught up on everything going on at Mesquite Trails!
Eagle Families...follow the link or head over to Facebook to watch a quick Meet the Teacher event. We can’t wait to kick off the school year tomorrow, August 6th. 🦅
Hello families! Just a few updates for you. If your child is planning to attend a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, you do not have to return your Chromebook until school resumes in the fall. If your child will NOT be attending a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, then please contact our school office to arrange for a drop off time for your Chromebook.
Also, if you purchased a yearbook, those will be distributed outside the school once we receive them from the company. As of now, there is no anticipated date of arrival, but make sure to follow us on social media for updates. 🦅
Dear 6th Grade Eagles...please join us in a final farewell at the school tomorrow, May 28th, from 10am-12pm. You will be able to drive through the bus loading zone to receive a final gift and say goodbye to your teachers from both the present and the past. We are proud of you and know you’ll be soaring into the future, ready to take on any challenge. We cannot wait to see all of you tomorrow. 🦅
2020-2021 Consideration Form
Hello Eagle Families! Week 2 of Distant Learning is now in the books and what another incredible week. We are so pleased to see our Eagles working hard during these difficult times. Our teachers have been doing a tremendous job communicating with students and parents, while continuing to push our students academically. We have enjoyed seeing so many students via Zoom and Google Meet video chats and we have also seen so many wonderful projects and assignments being submitted. Way to go Mesquite!
While we are still months away from the 2020-2021 school year, we did want to let you know that consideration forms will be done digitally this year from our website. This form will be posted on our website from April 20th to April 24th. You may fill one out for each of your children, but please only submit one per child.
Make sure you are following us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest Mesquite Trails news.
Please continue to stay safe and positive. Thank you to all the families for showing such wonderful support and sending positives messages our way. Those mean so much to us. We cannot wait to see our Eagles soon. 🦅
Great News!!! The deadline to purchase a Mesquite Trails yearbook has just been extended to May 15th! Visit ybpay.lifetouch.com and enter code 11509820 to purchase your yearbook for just $20. Capture all the memories! 🦅
Any new students wishing to enroll at Mesquite Trails Elementary School may call the school at (760) 949-3149 and/or email registration staff at MesquiteRegistration@hesperiausd.org
It has been so great seeing so many families today. If you have not picked up you Chromebook, please come pick yours up. There are no lines thanks to our super efficient staff members! 🦅 We will be outside until 2:00pm!
Gooooood Morning Eagles! Chromebooks are being distributed today!
Grades 1st-3rd: 8am-11am
Grades 4th-6th: 12pm-2pm
Hello Eagle Families! 🦅
Tomorrow we will be distributing Chromebooks with chargers for our 1st-6th students.
In order to reduce contact and maintain our social distance, we will pass out materials in a drive thru manner. Items will be placed in your trunk to avoid any contact. There will be staff members and signs to guide you and make this a smooth process.
Thursday 8am-11am
1st-3rd: From Cedar, make a right onto Bandicoot. Along Bandicoot, you will come up to a 1st Grade Chromebook distribution station. Follow the signs into the parking lot from Bandicoot for the 2nd Grade distribution station. The 3rd Grade distribution station will be located inside the bus loading zone. (**If your child has a sibling in grades 4-6, you may also collect their Chromebook along the Kindergarten gate on Mesquite St.**)
Thursday 12pm-2pm
4th-6th: From Cedar, make a right onto Bandicoot. Along Bandicoot, you will come up to a 4th Grade Chromebook distribution station. Follow the signs into the parking lot from Bandicoot for the 5th Grade distribution station. The 6th Grade distribution station will be located inside the bus loading zone.
Mesquite Trails:
This week we are rolling out Learning Packets for our TK/K students and Chromebooks for grades 1st-6th.
TK/K Distribution: Wednesday 8am-11am
1st-3rd Chromebook Distribution: Thursday 8am-11am
4th-6th Chromebook Distribution: Thursday 12pm-2pm
It is imperative you DO NOT leave your car. We are following all social distancing regulations. Just follow the signs and staff member’s directions to the appropriate grade level distribution drive thru station. Your child does not need to be present to receive the materials.